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Playa del Reducto

Lanzarote Holiday Planner / Playa del Reducto
light golden sand beach has a width of around 500 meters from the Gran Hotel to the Arrecife Park. Playa del Reducto, Spain

Playa del Reducto


Playa El Reducto ratings:-

7/10 – Overall rating

4/10 – natural beauty
8/10 – swimming safety
7/10 – access and parking
6/10 – water quality and clarity
8/10 – local amentities
8/10 – entry and exit from water at mid to high tide
5/10 – crowd factor

Drive times

12 minute drive time from Costa Teguise
15 minutes drive time from Puerto del Carmen
40 minutes drive time from Playa Blanca

Overview of  Playa del Reducto

Playa del Reducto is the main and most used beach in Arrecife. The light golden sand beach has a width of around 500 meters from the Gran Hotel to the Arrecife Theme Park. Swimming is safe with lifeguards most of the time.

Getting to Playa del Reducto

Being in the heart of Arrecife there are lots of buses that go to Playa El Reducto. If travelling by car there is a large underground car park by the Grand Hotel at the North end of beach. Parking is also available to the South of Playa El Reducto just the other side of the Park.

About Playa del Reducto

Playa del Reducto is a wide beach with also a lot of sand to lay on from the sea to the back of the beach. Even on busy days there are large areas of the beach with little to no people.
Access to the sea is best from high to mid tide but is ok at all tides.
The beach stretches some 500 meters along the coast from Punta del Camello at the Southern end to the Arrecife Gran Hotel at the Northern end of the beach
The beach is very sheltered so is safe to swim in all year around. Further out to sea the bottom is a flattish rock slab formation.
At lower tides, in certain sections, you will need to walk across the flat rocks to access the sea.

Local Facilities

Playa del Reducto has lots of local facilities due to the central location in Arrecife, the capital city of Lanzarote.
At the Southern end of the beach is a lovely park called the ‘Parque Tematico’. The park has a skate park, dog walking area, children swings and lot of nice paths and benches to relax on.
A road runs the full length of the beach. Across the road are lots of shops, bars and restaurants. After or during a great day on the beach you can buy lunch, dinner and get any supplies you may need. At the Norther end of the beach is the Gran Hotel. This is the only high rise building in Lanzarote. At the top is a glass facaded restaurant with amazing views. Under the Gran Hotel and on the other side of the Park is ample car parking. Parking under the Gran Hotel is paid, parking in the large car park to the far side of the park is free.

Summary of Playa del Reducto

Playa del Reducto is a beautiful golden sandy beach in the centre of town. It brings city and beach life together so you can enjoy the best of both worlds.


Free Parking
1 Review
  • "Found in the centre of Arrecife"

    Things are so different in Lanzarote
    In the middle of the islands capital city is a great safe beach with so much to do just nearby.

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Playa del Reducto, Spain

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