wing foiling in los charcos lanzarote
Wing Foiling in Lanzarote good because of consistent winds and ocean swells.
The beaches have year around good weather and warm seas for wing foiling all year
Wing foiling is a super fun and fast growing sport. The highly efficient hydro foilers mounted to the wing foil boards can keep going even in very light wings. The efficiency allows surfing to take place on weak waves and even just the moving ocean swell.
If you are new to a wing foil location take some time to see what the local wing foilers are doing. See how the locals enter and leave the sea. Identify dangers zones, watch for shallow rocks or areas where wind is blocked.
wing foiling in las cucharas lanzarote
There are several wing foil schools across Lanzarote which will be happy to teach wing foiling. Most of the schools that teach wing foiling are located in Famara.
Once you organise some wing foil lessons your instructor will explain all the equipment to you and how to assemble it all.
Wing Foiling equipment consists of a board, hydrofoil and the inflatable wing. Standing on the board, pointing across the wind and holding the wing will start you moving across the water. Once you pick up sufficient speed on the wing foil board you will lift out of the water on the hydrofoil.
Practice will enable you to keep up on the foil for longer and longer periods of time.
Once you can stay up consistently next stages are turning, surfing, jumping, spinning and a host of other moves.
A good location for a beginner to learn wing foiling in Lanzarote is the La Santa lagoon. This is a large salt water lake next to the La Santa sports complex. The water is flat and safe giving the best opportunity to learn the sport.
wing foiler in lanzarote
Once you are at the level when you can reliably get back on the board and start foiling again in both directions you are ready to enter the sea.
There are lots of beaches in Lanzarote to wing foil for every level. For the intermediate level wing foiler you will need a beach with flat water and no waves.
The best location for mid level wing foilers is Playa Honda. If this is your first time wing foiling in the sea you will need a nice strong wind and flat water.
Playa Honda is located near to the airport. There is a long sandy beach with lots of room to enter and leave the sea. Start up wind leaving lots of room along the beach downwind in case you have some problems. Do not go too far out to sea so if necessary you can paddle your board back to shore. The great thing about the sea after a lake is you have much more time before you need to turn around and go back. Start to finesse your wing foiling technique. Learn to relax the muscles you are not using. Stand straight on the board with your arms straight and relaxed. The better you get the less muscles you will learn to need.
Lanzarote wing foiler jumping
Lanzarote has great waves and on certain days large moving swells out to sea. The large sea swells can be surfed or used to for down winding.
There are many locations for advanced wing foilers in Lanzarote. Some of the most popular locations for wing foiling in waves are Las Cucharas in Costa Teguise, Famara beach and Jameos del Agua.
These locations have consistent waves for wing foilers wanting to surf.
Take care on days with big waves. Waves in Lanzarote can be very powerful. Always stay aware of where you can enter and leave the water. Have a strategy of what to do if everything goes wrong.
somersaulting wing foiler in lanzarote
Wing Foiling is a great fun sport that efficiently harnesses the power of the wind and waves. Hydrofoils are sharp and can cut. Stay aware and take precautions. Crash helmets and body padding can save you from serious injury.
wing foil race in lanzarote
Lanzarote is an excellent Wing Foil destination.
Warm sea and dependable winds
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